Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Secret Lairs: Online Green Light Review 2

Presentation OGR2

Secret Lair: Maya shots

After we had our lesson with Jordan, he advised making a space out in Maya and painting over it. I created what I wanted my scene to start looking like. Here are some shots of the scene from different angles, please could I have feedback on which shot looks most interesting, thanks.







Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Life drawing: Male

Today we changed model genders and drew a Male.

I have previously had trouble drawing males but I found today quite easy.

3, 5 minute poses

Close up of the 5 minute poses

20 minute pose concentrating on creating the environment around as well as the model

10, 1 minute poses

Close up of 1 minute poses

30 minute pose concentrating on negative space, shading and shadows

Unit 1 Film Review: Edward Scissorhands

Artist research

After my OGR and talk with Phil, I started taking a different look at my Martian King.

To start I wanted to do some research on a more military/large scaled lair.

For my inspiration and artist research I looked at a few different things. Looking at large areas, detail, items, machinery (?) and all the in between.

I started with Pakin Liptawat. A concept artist that does a variety of 3D, line art, textured and coloured pieces.

Here is his blog to see more

This next one. Jim Martin, has such a more detailed, photo realistic style

Here is the blog to see more

I also look at the game The Division for it's floor map hologram

Lastly I look at the making of Pacific Rim. This is for possible armor suits my Martians wear (Hero prop maybe?)

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Secret Lairs: OGR

OGR unit 1 P2.pdf by TRMsLiksa


Here are the aniamtions that I have not uploaded yet that we done in Megs classes.

The face morph:

morpm face0410 from Lisa Huntley on Vimeo.

The stop motion:

murphey from Lisa Huntley on Vimeo.

Maya tutorials

Here are my Maya tutorial screen shots so far.


Pencil and Eraser

Film Review: Le Belle et la Bete

La Belle et la Bête: Written in 1946 by Jean Cocteau. This French Black and White movie is an enjoyment to watch. Being the first in the creations of “The Beauty and the Beast” it’s clear symbolism of romance and that beauty is only skin deep shows throughout the film “ Jean Cocteau'sBeauty and the Beast (1946) bluntly celebrates a love that privileges interior beauty over external repulsiveness. Embodied by the titular Beast, physical ugliness here is only skin-and-mottled-fur deep.” 

[fig 1, the front cover of La Belle at la Bete

In the beginning of the film we see Beauty waiting on her sisters while her father awaits shipment of goods to save their home. This idea of two evil sisters is connected to the story of Cinderella by Walt Disney (1950) 

The idea of the sisters feeling higher than Belle, (and in Cinderella). The father ventures out to obtain the goods from his ships to find they haven’t returned. It is late at night but he decides to travel home anyway, the night is foggy and dangerous so the father finds safety within the castle, the beasts castle. He picks a rose for Beauty which upsets the beast and he demands that he be killed. The father begs for forgiveness and the Beast demands a replacement for his death, his daughter. Beauty takes the place but is treated like a princess by the Beast, being asked every day to wed him till the point when the curse is lifted and she accepts. The story line is pretty magical and very love orientated.

[fig 2, Belle is asked to wed the beast]

This story influenced Walt Disney’s recreation; 'Beauty & the Beast'(1991). Many points in the theatrical version you see influencing the fairytale film by Disney, such as the mirror, the rose and the ornaments being alive. “In this film, Cocteau uses the mirror to allow the characters to see things happening in other places. In his other works such as Orpheus, Blood of the Poet, Les Parents Terrible, and Les Enfants Terribles he uses a mirror as a mode of transporting from the real to the surrealistic worlds. Cocteau used the mirror for introspective exploration".




Expand: Character Profile

I decided to re-look my character. I researched evil, un-human kings and Martians to find a mid-point to style my lair around.

Here are the influence maps I created for my character Ganon.

Life Drawing: Through the weeks

Here are all my images from out life drawing lessons.

Starting with the structure drawings.

 Unfortunately due to a malfunction with me camera, there is an aweful green haze in the center of the image that I was unable to remove.

Next is today's life drawing

 4, 5 minute poses, graphite
 20 minute pose, looking at tones and negative, charcoal, pen and graphite
 15 minute pose, continues line, fine liner
12 minute pose, tone, charcoal and graphite

Monday, 4 November 2013

Influence research

After Jordan's Photoshop class, he advised me to look more at non-human elements and what would Mars have, creating space on a dusty sandy land a.k.a Las Vegas and Saudi Arabia.
Here are some images I looked at while researching into these two places.

Very different environments but both built on a similar floor. This lead on to looking at desert environments.

I also researched in the images from the Mars Rover.

This gives me a better understanding of colour and texture of Mars.